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21 Days

Project Type: Publication

Genre: Poetry

Title: 21 Days

Author: Christopher Towers

Cover Design: Raphael Achache

Format: Paperback

Price: £10.00


Christopher approached us to publish a book of poems which charted  a trip to Singapore and Malaysia in 2019. The poems are written alongside journal entries from the trip and he had a very clear idea that he wanted sketches to accompany each poem. 


This was Christopher's first experience of being published (outside of the academic world) and we wanted to make sure that he understood the process completely so that he was happy with the outcome.

We had been really impressed with the way Raphael had worked on our project with Nottingham castle and knew he had worked on other projects where illustrations accompanied poetry and creative writing - Raph has also travelled through Asia so we felt he would understand Christopher's vision. 


We agreed a fee for the illustrations and cover separately from  the costs of typesetting, design, editing and proofing. We worked closely with Christopher on the edit and we are all very happy with the result.

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