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Rise Learning Zone

Project Type: Residency (Teaching & Publication)

Genre: Story & Poem

Title: Poems Out Of School

Author/Tutor: Anne Holloway



books by the students at Rise Learning Zone

To buy a copy of Poems Out of School 2019/20 please contact us via our contact form.

Rise Learning Zone is an alternative provision school in Nottingham. I was invited to work in the school 2 days a week, delivering 50 minute sessions to small groups of pupils, generally no more than 4 or 5 at a time.


The sessions were called 'poem & story' and initially were discussion sessions, where we talked about various topics. My mission was to show the students that their stories were valid and interesting, and I promised to publish some of these stories in a book. The students often refuse to write, some finding it difficult to sustain concentration for a whole session, but with patience I was able to build trust and watched them grow in confidence.


Using a variety of techniques, speaking and listening, drawing, taking notes and scribing for students, often working outdoors, we worked together over 3 years to produce 4 books. 

Poems Out of School 2018/19 - a collection of photographs and poems written by Anne Holloway, using the students' experiences as inspiration. Two poems in the book were written by students and the cover is a drawing made by a student who remained silent throughout most of her time at the school.


Poems Out of School 2019/20 - a collection of writing by the students themselves with only one poem written by Anne Holloway.


More Poems Out of School 2020/21 - a collection of poems written by the students, illustrations and cover design by students. The cover photograph was taken and edited by a student on an iPhone.


Before We Go 2021 - a collection of writing by three Year 11 students. They chose the layout, design, font and designed the cover.

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