Nottingham Castle
Guide Book
Project Type: Publication
Genre: Non Fiction (guide book)
Title: Nottingham Castle
Author: Simon Chesters Thompson
Editor: Anne Holloway
Design & Illustration: Raphael Achache
Photographs: Tracey Whitefoot Photography
Format: Paperback
Price: £5.00
available from Nottingham Castle gift shop

We are very grateful to Nottingham UNESCO City of Literature for recommending us to Nottingham Castle Trust for this job. They were very keen to employ a local publisher and printer.
The manuscript was written by historian Simon Chesters Thompson and handed across to us to be edited to the appropriate word count. The castle team had stipulated the page count and size of the guide book and we worked together with designer Raphael Achache and the printers to decide on the most suitable paper stock. Our brief was to produce a modern, quirky guide book, with illustrations and photographs.
The castle team were on hand to edit and proof although we always employ our own proof reader for the final files.
This is the biggest print job we have undertaken, and it was important to have the right designer on the team. Raph came highly recommended by Emily Catherine (who has worked with us on previous projects) as someone who has experience of working with large and small organisations and is a great communicator and can also produce quirky illustrations.
Local firm Print 4 Ltd were extremely helpful and guided us through the process of printing such volume. They recommended paper stock and advised on embossing the front cover.
We worked with Raph on finding specific images referenced in the text to supplement those provided by the castle.