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NG:She Anthology

Project Type: Publication

Genre: Transcripts, testimony, stories & poetry

Title: Survivors Speaking For a Change

Edited: Ros Forsey & Jo Welch

Cover Design: Emily Catherine Design

Format: Paperback

Price: £8.99


Stories of domestic violence and abuse survival.

Survivors Speaking front copy.png

NG:She is a Nottingham based feminist CIC established by Ros Forsey and Jo Welch in 2015. Their purpose is to empower women and girls by creating safe spaces within which women can talk, listen, perform and learn. They had been working with a group of women on a series of podcasts, sharing stories of survival. They had received funding from the National Lottery to produce an anthology of these accounts. They had approached other publishers but didn't feel they understood the project and then heard about Big White Shed.


Ros and Jo had transcribed the podcasts, and collated the book, including biographies of the women and some poetry. It was really important to soft-edit these stories as we did not want to affect the way the stories had been shared. We felt it was really important to maintain the voices of the women who contributed - so all we really had to do was to type-set and proof the book, and liaise with a cover designer.


We were very pleased to work with Nottingham based illustrator Emily Catherine Design, and agree on a suitable design. Jo was very clear about the brief for the cover as she hopes the book will become required reading for students researching violence and abuse at post graduate level. We also had discussions about the font and font size, to ensure that the book was accessible to all.  

The initial print run will be given to organisations and individuals who work with those affected by domestic violence and abuse, but a second print run will be available for sale.


You can pre-order the book by contacting NG:She here.

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